The International Steel Association of the United States has prosecuted “clause 232” in violation of the principle of separation of power and the balance mechanism of constitutional protection, because there is no legal provision to allow judicial review of the president’s decision on the basis of “clause 232”.


美国国际钢铁协会在同一天发表了一份声明,即《 1962年《贸易扩张法》第232章违反了宪法,因为它缺乏明确的原则来限制总统的权力。根据法规,如果总统认为有必要采取措施以确保进口不会威胁或损害国家安全,则将允许总统征收“不受限制的”关税或其他贸易障碍。

美国国际钢铁协会主席理查德·克里斯(Richard Chris)表示,除了给总统“公开选择”处理对进口的任何威胁外,“第232条”还允许总统基本上对美国产生任何影响经济进入“国家安全”。

In addition, the international iron and Steel Association also prosecuted “clause 232” in violation of the principle of separation of power and the balance mechanism of constitutional protection, since there is no legal provision to allow judicial review of the president’s decision on the basis of “clause 232”.

在“ 232条款”之前,特朗普政府以国家安全为由对进口钢和铝产品征收关税。美国有270多个国家和地方商业组织还发布了一封联合信,以支持国会通过立法以限制总统对国家征收关税的权力